Monday, February 27, 2012

The Beauty of Nox Caelum

Have you ever looked at the sky and curse like crazy because a meteor passes by too fast for you to observe? Even though you might try to capture and image or even record it, it never comes out right. Well, someone did and he created it into an amazing video compile with shots that he took. Photographer Randy Halverson spends more than two years into creating such an awesome video for all to enjoy. He called it “Temporal Distortion.”  It is often hard to capture an image sometimes since the night sky is not always clear. The shots took places in White River of central South Dakota, Arches National Park in Utah, Canyon of the Ancients in Colorado, and Madison in Wisconsin. In it includes a tail of meteor and northern lights that most people never even see in their entire life, including me. Also, enjoy the time-lapse video music by composer Bear McCreary. McCreary is known for writing soundtracks to “Battlestar Galactica” and “The Walking Dead.”
I notice that the video might be difficult to see since the screen is so small, so here is a link where you can see with much better quality where you can actually widen the screen:

Now that you see the video, what do you think? Did you notice the bands of red and green light? How about the noctilucent clouds, airglow, or faint Aurora? Did you notice that the Milky Way is also in the video, along with the meteor and moon lit night time-lapse? There are some shots that look like it is shot during the daytime. Wrong. The shot is actually the moon lighting up the landscape, which is pretty awesome since we do not often see this due to living in the city. Now that I think about it, by living in the city, we are the ones that miss out the most from the night sky. Illuminating lights everywhere lights the sky so bright that it is almost impossible for us to see even the stars itself.

If you have time, go far away from the city if you can and just lie on the grass and gaze the beauty of the night sky. You will soon see what you are missing out. It is better if you have the opposite sex with you where anything can happen. Under the beautiful night sky, anything can happen. I am going to be truthful with you, that is how “I happen.” To clarify that, it means it because of a night under the sky that I am here. Yes, it is under the night sky that my parents snuggle and have me. J

Aside from that, enjoy the night sky. Not of what you can or might do with your lover, but the glorious beauty of the night sky. It might be cold, so bring a sweater. If you are interested in learning more about the wonders of the night sky, visit this site below. It have an extended cut from the video above and also have more pictures and explanations of the things that take place during the night sky.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Watery Planet

February 21, 2012, a new headline being publish introduces a waterworld that could possibly sustain life very much like earth. The headline titles “New Type of Alien Planet.” At first the headline throws me off because I thought we have discover alien life on a planet, but it is nothing more than a waterworld. Despite that the planet is quite interesting. First of all, scientists called the planet GJ 1214b. They know about the planet two years already, but it is only recently that they can provided proof what the watery planet. The process to prove this is by using the Hubble’s Space Telescope to determine the composition of the planet’s atmosphere and how it filtered the starlight by how the planet cross in front of the red dwarf.

The planet is about 40 light-years away. The planet is showed to be a steamy atmosphere orbiting the red dwarf star. Scientists have concluded that the density of GJ 1241b is about two grams per cubic centimeters; whereas the Earth’s density is about 5.5 grams per cubic centimeters. This means that the planet have much more water than Earth does.

Also, with the launched of the new NASA James Webb Space Telescope set to be launch in 2018, it could help us learn more about the planet.

With such a great planet and stories of pollution on Earth, the GJ 1214b might be a new home for humans. Wrong. Not only that scientist have concluded that the estimated surface temperature of the planet to be about 446 degrees Fahrenheit, which is way too hot for humans, but it is also 40 light-years away. Unless the temperature of the planet decreases dramatically to accommodate human life and someone invented a spaceship or shuttle that can travel at hyper-speed, like in the movie Star Wars, it cannot be a place for humans to colonize. Still, we gain a priceless knowledge of knowing that there other planets that could possibility hold life. We might be able to discover real alien life-forms, assuming that they will not try to conquer or destroy us for our resources like in the 1996 movie “Independence Day” starring Will Smith & Jeff Goldblum.

I think that the James Webb Space Telescope will be a fine addition in helping astronomer knowing more about the universe. To see the possible deployment animation of the James Webb Space Telescope, go to Samantha Rorick's blog. Here is the link to her blog:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Different Kind of Telescope

Most people are very familiar with a telescope and its main function of viewing objects at a very far distance, but do not realize that there are various kinds of telescope. The most common known telescopes are the optical telescopes and they are the one used to view objects at a great distance. Some common telescopes to look at stars and planets from Earth are the refracting telescope, reflecting telescope, and catadioptric telescope.

Diagram of Galilean telescope: y - distant object; y' - real image from objective; y'' - magnified virtual image from eye piece; D - entrance pupil diameter; d - virtual exit pupil diameter; L1 - objective lens; L2 - eyepiece lens, virtual exist pupil
Once of the very first optical telescope is the Galilean telescope with involves using the objective lens and a divergence eyepiece lens to produce an upright image. Although there are many flaws in the designs, but the telescope is still good in observing stars and planets. Despite its blurry and distorted images, the telescope set a path for better telescopes.

Taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope, it is the Helix Nebula. Blue show infrared light of 3.6 to 4.5 micrometers; green shows infrared light of 5.8 to 8 micrometers; and red shows infrared light of 24 micrometers.
The there are the space telescopes. These telescopes are the ones that orbit by a Space Shuttle in low Earth orbit. Some of their main functions include observing in near ultraviolet, visible, and in near infrared. They share much similarity to the optics telescope, but operate in space instead. Some famous telescopes include the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope.

World's Largest single-aperture radio telescope
Then there are the radio telescopes which most people do not know or even heard of until today, like me. These telescopes are a form of directional radio antenna which used in tracking and collecting data from satellites and space probes. They are different than the optical telescopes in that they operate in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum where they can detect and collect data on radio sources. They are often located far away from major centers or even town to avoid electromagnetic interference from radio, TV, etc. They are typically in a form of parabolic dish antennas used singly or in an array. The World’s largest single-aperture radio telescope is at the Arechibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

Carrying the MSSTA on May 1991
Next are the X-ray telescopes. These telescopes are designed to observe remote objects in the X-ray spectrum. In order to get above the Earth’s atmosphere, which is opaque to X-rays, these telescopes must be mounted on high altitude rockets or artificial satellites. Here is a picture of the X-Ray telescope on the Swift MIDEX mission in May of 1991. The purpose of the telescope is to measure the fluxes, spectra and light curves of Gamma-ray busters and afterglows over a wide dynamic range covering more than 7 orders of magnitude in flux. It is about 4.67 meters in length with a focal length of 3.5 meters and a diameter of 0.51 meter.

Lastly, here is a diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum with the Earth’s atmosphere transmittance or opacity and the types of telescopes used to image parts of the spectrum.

I also hope that by showing and explaining various types of telescopes, you will become more interested in astronomy and help convinced Congress to bring back the funding for NASA and JPL so I can find a job when I finally graduate next year. J

Monday, February 6, 2012

So Bright

Image Detail
Sir Issac Newton
Issac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727), a well known English physicist, mathematician, philosopher, and astronomer. Most people know Newton for his three laws of motion as well as the apple falling down the tree experiment. What most people do not know is that he is also known for his investigation and experiment with the refraction of light as well as proving that a prism could decompose white light into a spectrum of colors, and that a lens and a second prism could recompose the multicolored spectrum into white light. He first became interested in lights when he notices the nature of light and went to the point that he would stare right into the sun, risking his eyesight just to enjoy its magnificent glory.
He also showed that the colored of the light does not change its properties by separating out a colored beam and shining it on various objects. Newton noted that regardless of whether it was reflected or scattered or transmitted, it stayed the same color. Thus, he observed that color is the result of objects interacting with already-colored light rather than objects generating the color themselves. This is known as Newton’s theory of color. From this work, he concluded that the lens of any refracting telescope would suffer from the dispersion of light into colors (chromatic aberration).

Newton's 1st handmade telescope replica

Above showed Newton first handmade telescope, but this is only the replica of the original. He builds the telescope to prove his theory of light being bent does not change its properties as well as magnifying the objects from a great distance. It is known as the Newtonian telescope. Newton did not know it yet, but his telescope is going to be an invention that changes astronomy and set paths for future generations in understanding the universe. So using mirrors of reflective speculum metal, the light did not go through, but bounce off the surface instead. Newton’s ring causes the reflection of the light that created an interference pattern and it is being used to view the object much better. His invention become so well known that when he is asked to present it to the Royal Society in 1671, they are quite impress with the result that they encouraged him to publish it. He did just that when he publish his notes into his now known novel called Opticks, which introduces the theory of light.
If you are interested in reading Newton’s Optical Papers, here is a link for it.